Saturday, March 31, 2012

Beautiful Code Design Best Practices Recap

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.”
-Martin Fowler et al, Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, 1999

This  quote from MartinFowler  captures very well  the main theme  of Dar es Salam GTUG latest event  dubbed  “beautiful code design best practices”. We to were trying to dive deep into  what does it take to write code that not only  a  machine understand and execute but more so fellow humans  so as to ensure the sustainability of the code in terms  of  scalability and maintainability of it.
But before we dived in the best practices, Tony Severine, warmed up audiences with how to use G oogle  map maker to    do mapping.For  most upcoming  meetings we  will take few  minutes  to promote  the idea of mapping  in our effort to  try to put Tanzania on the world map.
Next up  was MbwanaMbura who kicked things off  with  his presentation titled,”Beautiful code”,   talking about best practices for writing  beautiful working code such as  , how to break long methods, proper naming  of methods and  proper documentation  of your code.  And  then finally  he  talked about the question of  programming languages,  and   how  different problems can be tackled  in ways more than one  if  you are knowledgeable in  more than just one programming language.
The  last presentation came  from  Alex Makumuli,  in  a form of  a Google  hangout  from Finland, titled “Better  Software”.  Alex ‘s   presentation  emphasis was on using  test driven  approach to developing software. It was accompanied by live demo sessions in  writing test  before you start to write actual code  for your application and  how to do  refactoring of the existing code.
Many  thanks to our  wonderful  presenters   and  to all of  t hose who showed  up  for this event .
Various resources from this meeting  can be found through  the following  links.
Photos,  ,  ( more photos will be posted soon)